Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Wardrobe Wednesday: Fiesta San Antonio!

Let me start by saying... How freaking awesome is this dress? I squealed when I saw it in store, tried it on straight away, and I just think it is beautiful. I love when I get to wear it. At first, I was a little worried I would look like a big marshmallow in it, but the colors are just so beautiful, I don't even care! The wee red belt definitely stops it from billowing out to much. And you know what, sometimes it is kind of relaxing to wear such a loose fitting dress, especially in the Texas heat.

Rob snapped these photos one morning during Fiesta in San Antonio. We were heading out to breakfast, and then on to the Mexican markets. I just adore the riverwalk downtown, it feels like you are somewhere so different from Houston. The mix of the old stonewalls and buildings with the lush greenery is just so magical. I am definitely a fan!

Oh, and it is kind of a win when your tattoo matches your dress! Yuss!

Dress: Casa Ramirez - Houston, TX
Belt: From a red vintage dress
Flower Crown: From a side walk vendor

Linking up with the beautiful Kim as usual, and you know what y'all? It is so fun sharing - why don't you join too?!


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