Thursday, 17 April 2014

Travel Thursday: Texan Ranch

A couple of weekends ago our dear friends were married at a beautiful ranch in Texas. I had so many plans for different photos I would take, but time went so quickly and there was so much to do, and so much fun to be had - I just ran out of time. Such a shame given that our cabin was decorated in the theme of the Texan flag. A true American experience! On the up side, I did take a little walk one morning, I got some lovely fresh air, a little time to reflect, and some photos of the ranch. I hope you enjoy!

To find out more about the ranch you can find it here..

Join Laurie and I as we celebrate travelling, whether it is near or far.. Share it with us!


  1. Love thise trees! And is that Spanish moss I spy? The best. ☺️

    1. Isn't it beautiful?! I had never seen it before, except in movies :P

  2. i really love these photos. so beautiful! i want to go

    1. Thanks Kerri! It really is so pretty : ) And peaceful - doesn't feel like you are so near to such a big city!

  3. Good job with the photos! I love the first two, especially. I wanna go there!

    Gab ☮

    1. Thanks Gab! I just adore the wildflowers!!
      Sarah xo

  4. Really amazing sharing badgergirl I really appreciate your photos. Such a nice place! after reading your post I have decided to go there in coming month with bestbustour. Can you give me few more detail about this wonderful place?


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