Sunday 15 September 2013

Wait.... No Fall?

So I learned a sad thing yesterday.. 

As the blogging world goes crazy for Fall, with photos of golden leaves, pumpkins and cardigans, I am sitting here sweating in Houston. A friend told me that there isn't really Fall in Houston, just a kind of humid, cloudy month or two and then one day you notice it's cooler and then it's winter. 


So, I have taken this as a challenge to seek out Fall (or Autumn) as we call it in Kiwi land. I am on the look out for any sign and will be letting y'all know in a series affectionately named, "Fall, where are you?".
If any of you know places in Houston that I might find evidence of Fall, please let me know. It seems that in going to need all the help I can get. 

This is what I am looking for.. We shall see. Source.



  1. Oklahoma has a lame kind of fall too sometimes. I get jealous of all the Northern bloggers who take pictures of all the pretty trees! I love your attitude about it, though :)

    1. Haha Im glad Im not the only one! Back home, Fall isnt so celebrated.. It is preempting a NZ winter so we normally dread it! But here in America it is such a big deal... I hope I get to see some of the beautiful leaves everyone is posting about! :D And thanks, I thought I would do my damdest to find some Fally things : )


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