Friday 13 September 2013

Throwback Thursday - Happy Birthday Child-o!

This week I am thinking about a fellow badger lover, whose birthday is this week...

Renee I wrote you a poem. Cos Im pretty talented. A word smith if you will. If I wrote a book about you it would be with all the words in this poem.

R ad and Riccadona drinker
E ntertaining and good at Soduku
N utty
E ater of cheese. Like really, cheese monger
E asily the best laugh ever

S uper sweet and goofy
C reative and smart
H appiest when with her family and friends
I ntelligent. Like, majorly smart
c ooker of cakes and yum things. Especially cinnamon pinwheel scones
K arate kicking kid
E nthusiastic badger fanatic 
R eader of many books. Mostly ones with words in them

Happy birthday poppet, I love you and miss your face xox 


  1. Thanks Sarah, that's really sweet and made me laugh. Well done, I don't think I've had a poem about me before, but you captured it pretty well. I think I'm on my 17th book with words this year (64 pages to go). The last book I read was written by someone we both know. I'm also impressed you called it Sudoku instead of Sukuro, I always found when you called it that it was like a crossover into Sukura card captors or whatever it was that cartoon was called and I just remember imagining that stupid flying hampster telling me to put a 9 in the square there and a 7 over there. Good little chuckle. I wish we had kept that safari hat for our Raro 4WD safari. We had an amazing hat rack collection at that flat. Oh the badger costume, DIY costumes on a student budget. That is a life skill in itself. I'm sure we walked through the McD's drive through that night with the police right behind us.
    I miss you too, we've had a lot of fun doing random stuff and taking the piss. So many good times. Can't wait to see you again so we can have some more!!

    1. Im glad you like it babe xox I thought I would call it the right name :P 17 books, that's impressive. That would be a lot of words indeed. I freaking love that badger photo, I actually lol'ed when I saw it :P Can't wait to see you in December xox

      Happy birthday again xox


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