Thursday 5 September 2013

Advice from a 20 something dreamer - Day 3 of Blogtember

Wow. That sounds like a good source of advice, doesn't it.

I'm hardly one to tell others how to live, but this is something I tell myself every day.

Happiness is a choice - make it.

Some days it's really hard. And it is way easier to be sad, or shitty, or sulky or tired of frustrated. But once you know you can change those thoughts, it gets easier. It's just stubbornness holding me back then :P

This is my post for Day 3 of the Blogtember challenge.
"Thursday, September 5: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered."


  1. This is very good advice! I just need a way to remember it when I'm in one of those I just want to be negative moods. ;)

    1. Thanks, I have it written in my office, and if I feel myself getting negative I look at it and try and make it happen. Sometimes its just easier to be shitty haha.

  2. You are exactly right that you get to choose your own attitude each day, might as well choose a good one!!

    The Random Writings of Rachel

  3. Love it! I really think the world would be a much better place if more people chose to be happy :) So glad I clicked over from Blogtember :)

    1. I agree with you, come on people, smile! Thanks for popping over!
      :D Sarah x

  4. I too love it! I have had endless conversations about this topic, about how we have a choice. We have a say. We can get mad at the driver who cut us off or just be happy that he didn't kill us. It's why I always struggle when people say, "so and so hurt my feelings." They didn't. We have a choice on whether our feelings are hurt and how we respond. I think we often don't give ourselves enough credit for how much say and control we have in our emotions.

    1. I find that can be hard, but you are right, it is all in perception and mentally see things clearly.
      Thanks for your comments!
      Sarah xo

  5. This is great! So simple, and so true : )

    1. Thanks Jenn, I really like the simplicity of it too!

  6. Happiness is really a choice! I definitely agree!

    Gab ☮

  7. Very good advice! I struggle with choosing to be happy when I am at work; not letting other people's crankiness to define my day.

    Have a happy day!

    1. It can be tough at work, you have so many other people to deal with, and then feedback. And it can be tough staying positive when you are under the pump or busy. I have it posted on my screen so I can always think about it!
      Thanks so much for your comment!

  8. Thanks, I am trying to choose it more and more every day. It can be tough sometimes, but it is so important!
    Sarah :)

  9. such good advice though! i have to choose everyday to choose happiness!

    1. Thanks, I had to choose it like five times today :P
      Thanks for stopping by : )

  10. My parents always told me "It is what you make it" about everything in life. So true!

    1. Def true - your parents are pretty on to it! I think our parents generation are much better at it than us, because in most situations, there was less artificial things to make you happy when they were growing up. We have so many elevated expectations of how life should be because of media.
      Thanks so much for your comment, you have given me something to think on!
      Sarah xo

  11. This is awesome! I love it, I agree with it , but when it comes to an action.. oh boy, is a bit harder to do,right? or it's just me? :)
    anyways! great attitude! and I'm keeping that on my desktop. I choose to be happy everyday! :)

    1. Thanks, haha yep was easier to say it. I said it so many times today, I think it worked in patches :P
      Thanks for your feedback!

  12. So simple, so true! I love it! It's hard to remember from time to time, but waking up happy is what's important!

    1. Thanks, I am glad you like it! And I agree, waking up happy is very important.. and so is going to bed happy!

  13. So true! Only we can choose our attitude each day and why not choose happiness!


    1. Very true, it is all our choice. Sometimes chocolate helps haha
      Thanks so much for stopping by my blog : )

  14. Hey Sarah, I like this, and you know me quite well. So this might be a little "normal" random going on a tangent thought but, there's one dwarf (Snow White) for every day of the week, and they're mostly named after moods/attitudes. OK maybe not Doc though, but if you had to choose which dwarf to be you could still choose Doc,and be happy. Although I don't think we set out to be dopey, but that happens then we get a little bashful or grumpy while in other cases it might result in happy as its just too silly. Without looking after ourselves can get sneezey or sleepy and that can lead to grumpy. Although these seem like a mix bag of moods with one positive one in the bunch, they all work as a team and sing hi-ho-hi-ho its off to work we go. Now if these dwarves were like Pokemon I'd picture it as "HAPPY I CHOSE YOU!" and that image just makes me smile. What would that merry fella do? Who knows, but the more you use Pokemon in battle the more skilled/higher level/powerful they become. So why not focus on the positive one? Be like "Yeah my Happy is level 89", then just cruising around then 'nek minnit' oh no wild Grumpy level 35 appeared! Grumpy's move had no effect. Happy's move was super effective! Enemy Grumpy was defeated. Happy for the win. I guess you could say the more you use it the stronger you become and easier it is for happiness to overcome challenges. I hope that made you giggle some ~ Nay.

    1. First of all Renee, I am so excited that you are on here so you can make me awesome comments like that one. Second of all, I just laughed my arse off. You are such a spaz, and I love the shit out of you. You just made my day. Thanks babe xox
      Lol I can literally picture you saying this out loud in front of me.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Great advice! I try to remember this. Honestly, sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't :)

    1. Thanks! I completely agree with you, haha the day I posted it something annoyed me and I had to try very hard to think happy thoughts haha :P
      Thanks for popping by my blog : )

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks Linda! I think it is an easy but smart way to look at life!


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