Tuesday 7 February 2012

First attempt at this thing they call the blog.

So, here I go. My blog, version 1.0.

Thoughts so far. Not sure how this blogging thing will go, I guess the rest of the world has been blogging since the dawn of internet time.. Someone suggested I give blogging a go, and it took me months to just choose a name.. Previous writing efforts include an emotionally wrought journal I kept  between the ages of 13 and 15, a weekly column in my university magazine in which an ex and I used to give a commentary on the world of metal music and "bogans", a story I wrote in high school which made my English teacher cry, and a pesky Masters Thesis which now hides behind some paperbacks on my book shelf. Fast forward several years and I feel the writing bug gnawing away.. Perhaps this is the time to start typing and paraphrasing my obscure view on this world in which we live. In terms of seismic upheavals and political controversy, I don't think this blog will be world changing but I would like to share some things that make me smile and the odd thing that I think..

So, about me, the things that I think and stuff that makes me smile.. I am a geologist who loves to eat yummo food. I love to make recipes and modify existing ones. I dabble in the world of craft.  I think the world in which we live is bursting with amazing things if you stop for a second and take them in. I love nothing more than laughing with my whole body. I absolutely "heart" irony. I'd rather be at a picnic than a working lunch. And I love making my pals smile.

So thats the first post. My assessment on the blogging world so far... Well, I think this thing has potential.. Its a great narcissistic, creative outflow.. I like the assumption that the world might like what I like, or that the odd person who stumbles upon this page may have the occasional chuckle.

So here are some things that I think.. I think I will use this wee blog to share some yum recipes, crafty ideas, a photo or two, and perhaps the odd hilarious ironic moment as witnessed by me. 


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