Friday 23 August 2013

Anticipating comedy.

This weekend has the potential to be monumental.

Obviously I like to laugh. I like to giggle. I like to guffaw. I like to hold in a silent laugh at an inappropriate moment. I also like to cackle. Sometimes I like to laugh so hard my sides hurt. I have been known to have laugh so much I pee. I genuinely love laughing.

My adoration of laughing, or being in a state of "laugh", means that I am drawn to funny people. My parents are maniacally funny. My friends crack me up. My husband is a funny, funny man.

And so, I love comedians. I love sarcastic humour; obvious, stupid humour; observational humour; dry, British humour; odd and bizarre quips; physical humour. Most comedy I love. I will try and make a list of people who crack me up, but I don't think there is time. Literally. People just crack me up.

My point is, right now, I am anticipating comedy. On Saturday night, I am going to be ticking off two MASSIVE items from my bucket list. And a few other smaller "must do's".

On Saturday night I am seeing both The Flight of the Conchords, and Dave Chapelle.

Yes. I said it.

Let it sink in for awhile.

I am almost scared to say it out loud in case I am dreaming. I am so darned excited I am already amped. I was amped the day I found they were playing together two months ago. I was amped after I finally got tickets after waiting on line for 38 minutes. Actually, the day I found out they were both playing together my friend nearly drove off the road because I swore so loudly. I never thought I would be able to see Dave Chappelle live. And I have missed the last few shows that The Conchords have done.*

But combine them. It's like the Holy Grail of my funny bone.

Oh, and this just popped up on my screen at work..


If it wasn't enough that my two favorite comedy "situations" are playing in Houston  on Saturday night, Kristen Schaal is also going to be there. She is a funny, funny lady.

PLUS, tonight, my childhood dreams are coming true. We are going to see Pauly Shore at Improv Houston.

I grew up on classics such as "Son in Law", "In the Army Now", and "Biodome". I went through the "Hey Buudddddy" phase. My sister and I literally watched "Son in Law" 100 times. I still  love the shit out of "Encino Man".

So I am excited. Very excited. This week has been long. And if I think about what will be happening in the next 72 hours I get wound up and start bouncing around. More than usual.

Anyway, I wanted to share my excitement with you funny people out there, and just say how blessed I feel that we are in a place where we can experience this. 

And if I pee my pants this weekend, it will be totally worth it.

Sarah xo

*(Rereading this paragraph, I feel that the word amped is barely appropriate to convey my excitement. But there you go.)

About the festival!

Flight of the Conchords first album, Image from Wikipedia


  1. So......was it funny (stupid arse question)

  2. Lol it was amazing. You will like the post I am going to write about it haha


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