Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Treat Yo Self

You have got to look after yourself.

Mum tells me this.
Rob tells me this.
I say this to friends.
My friends say it to me.
We all say it to each other. 


When work is busy, baby is hungry, emails are unanswered, to do lists rage on, the house is a mess -  well, you get the picture.
My new goal, is trying to fit in some little things each week as a little treat for myself.

This weeks treat - an organic body scrub from My Scrub

My Scrub, is a small company that started purely because they tried a coffee scrub, and liked it, but didn't love it. So they made one themselves, and focused on a natural product that can be tailored to different skin types. All natural and vegan ingredients, which I am all about for my skin. I really get freaked out when you look at body products that have a gazillion products in them.

And you know how I am with companies, I think it is so important to follow and support those who do good for others. A portion of profits from scrubs sold goes to Beyond Blue, which is such a worthwhile charity here in Australia.  As someone who has dealt with depression in the past, I think it is rad that My Scrub is helping out with their cause.

During pregnancy my skin was so nice, it glowed and needed very little maintenance. Since Soph was born though, I really feel like the fatigue from being a Mum has taken its toll on my skin. It is so dry and lifeless. It doesn't really help that in Winter I am covered up in stockings and cardigans, so my skin hardly seems like a priority. I don't know if any other Mums got epically dry skin while breastfeeding, but mine dried up like crazy!

I was super excited to find these scrubs and see if I could make a difference with my skin. I decided to try the Orange Zing - I was tempted with ALL the varieties, and was even tempted to make my own. But to be honest, I loved the sound of the peppermint and citrus for refreshing my skin. And I was not disappointed!

You guys. This stuff is the goodness. 

Why do I love it?
First of all. It's kind of a novelty and I was giggling as I did it. Because well, who stands in the shower rubbing coffee on themselves?!
Second of all. It. Smells. Amazing. Like. Amazing. Zesty and refreshing. I could smell the citrus all evening and then on the bus in the morning.
Thirdly, a couple of days after using this, it was quite warm at work, so I peeled off the cardigan. Was suddenly like, ah, I haven't moisturised for ages. Looked down, and boom my skin was all happy looking, and not dry at all. That my friend is a good result.
Finally, there is nothing like a good scrub. Scrubbing of ze body. It feels amazing. And then using all the stuff in the bottom of the shower to scrub my feet.

Et VOila!
You can actually see how good my skin looked afterwards! And it smells so good. SO, so, so good! I know I am using a lot of exclamation points but I am really happy with this product.
I feel so good. And I keep smelling my hands. I can actually just smell orange around me. It's lovely! My skin feels epically recharged. And for such a small time investment - important with baby and working and all the things!


I like the scrub so much that I am shouting one reader to a scrub on me! Visit the My Scrub site here and tell me what you would choose, let me know below and you will go in the draw to win a My Scrub to try. For an extra chance to win, visit my Instagram page to repost the competition picture.

Good luck!  

Because of posting the coffee product, this is open to Australian residents only, sorry my international lady pals xx 
Giveaway is open for one week.


  1. Oh I have to have peppermint and orange although sorely tempted vanilla and the Turkish delight yum

  2. Oooohhhh and brown sugar and oats yumbos just needs cream added and I may have for breakfast 😜

  3. Wow who wouldn't love the coffee zesty one? The smell lasts for days means less work for you mamma.

    1. Thats what I figure -- Im into good time investments :P

  4. Coconut and vanilla on my dry skin after the cold high altitude. Cannot wait to have a scrub up and smell like a girl!

    1. I love that combo! Thats the next on my shopping list! xx

  5. Replies
    1. Sounds nice huh? I nearly got this one, and then thought I could use all the zesty pick me ups I could get haha! x

  6. Mmmmm I love the sound of Turkish Delight:)

  7. mmm I don't think I could go past anything with peppermint in it. 😂


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