Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Mama Makers

I am so in love with so many things right now, but I am TRYING to be good.
My success rate at that is questionable.. But anyway, I need to share all these beautiful things I have been finding! And whats best?
All these stores are run by Mamas! So when I do buy them, I know I am buying from other women doing there thing and hustling to get things done while babe is napping!

I love, love, love the clothes at Dear Aster. So many beautiful little items. We have bought some lovely little leg warmers for Sophie's chubby little legs from here, and I can't wait to buy more! Isn't the fabric just gorgeous?!

Dear Aster - Peony bloomers

At the Mount Hawthorn laneway festival recently I found Tail Feathers. I bought some gorgeous mocs for Sophie and LOVE them. I am super happy with them, and was stoked to find the owner of the store is also well into cloth nappies! I would love to get some more in this design with the bows! And we get so many lovely comments about them when she wears them!

Tailfeathers - Pink bow Moccasin

I met Brittney through blogging a year or so ago, and have always loved following her Mama journey. I am now loving seeing all the beautiful tapestries she is weaving in Texas! I am waiting for the right time and will snatch one up, how gorgeous is this one?! Oh and update! If you use the code BADGER in her Etsy store right now - you will get 30% off! Thanks love!
Wool and Wood Co. - Tapestry hanging

I have a pram liner from Lillow, and am super happy with it. It has batman on it, which only adds to people asking how my little 'boy' is hahaha but we love it. And Sophie loves cuddling up in to it. So happy people all round. I ADORE these pom pom throw blankets, and I kind of want one in every color - but this is my current favorite.
Lillow - Pom pom throw blanket

Are y'all into dribble bibs and headbands? Tehlia sells some of my favorites at Skip the Mush - and has the sweetest wee girl to model them on! I found Tehlia on Instagram when we were both past our due date and waiting to burst!

Skip the Mush - Blue polka dot headband

I love these beautiful wee cards from Tea and Fleur! I have this one in Sophie's nursery. I also love their wee Tooth Fairy dolls which I have on the list for when Sophie gets a little bigger!
Tea and Fleur - Adventure card


  1. So many adorable finds! And yay for supporting other mamas!!

    1. It's a good karma approach to being a shopaholic right?1 :P

  2. Thank you for including my card amongst these other beautuful goodies lovely Sarah! :) supporting other making mama's is such a wonderful thing to do. Fleur xx

    1. Thank you! I love your work so much! And its fun to find so many talented Mamas out there! xo


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