Tuesday, 20 January 2015

DIY Cloud Pillow

This is one post in a series of DIY projects I have put together which show some of the things I have been doing to firstly, get Sophie's nursery together, and secondly, distract myself during the last couple of weeks of pregnancy...
I hope you enjoy them!

So in our wee nursery, we have a series of Ikea Kallax shelves set up underneath a window, kind of like a makeshift bay window. We wanted a nice wee spot which was functional, to hold all Sophie's books, and as extra space for people to sit in the nursery. We also wanted it to be nice, cosy and aesthetically pleasing. I bought a couple of cushions from Moorea Seal in the States before we left, and we got a cute wee Owl pillow from Gingiber on Etsy. Since then, I have been brainstorming different ideas for some home made ones.

Before I make anything, I tend to spend ages searching the net so see what other people might have created. The ones I fell for the most are a variation on a cloud pillow which is pretty popular on Pinterest at the moment. I just kind of ran with how I thought it might work.

Here is how it all went down... 
ps. I am pretty happy with the results!

I happened to have some random floral fabrics in my sewing box, so I used them for the first two pillows. Then I went and found some more for the last one. The amount of fabric you need will depend on what size you are after. Like, you could use random scraps of fabric for some smaller ones for a rattle, or you could use a little more and create a cushion for a bed, or you could make a super lovely large one, as a floor pillow for a play room.

Draw a cloud! I cannot draw to save my life, and I managed it, so I bet you can too! I think a flat bottomed cloud works best if you want it to sit up by itself (like for on a sofa), but if the cloud is for a wee rattle, toy or bed cushion, you could make it fluffy all the way around. Cut out your cloud when you are happy with the shape. When you draw, don't forget to make enough allowance for a seam, so make the cloud a little larger than the one you want to end up with.

Iron your fabric - confession - I didn't do this for the first two, as we hadn't bought one yet.. but then I got one, so I did it! And it totally looks better, especially if you are using scraps because chances are they are probably a bit wrinkled.

Fold your fabric in half, the right sides facing each other. I pinned it along the edges to make sure it didn't slip.

Put the edge of the cloud along the fold in the fabric. Pin your cloud picture to the fabric.

Cut out along the edge of the cloud, taking care to keep the shape of the cloud intact. You don't wanna lose your fluffiness!

Unpin the paper template and pin the two layers of fabric together. Discard the template. Or, keep it for another one!

Where to start sewing? I started in the middle, along the flat edge. Double back to make sure the thread won't come out later. Continue along the base of the cloud, when you get to the start of the cloud fluffs, slowly rotate the cloud to follow along the edge.

Tip! To make the cloud fluffs end "sharply" or in other words, to make the individual fluffs rounder and fluffier, make sure you sew down into the axis between fluffs quite deeply.

Continue this all the way around the cloud until you are back at the cloud base again. When you are about an inch away from the start of the stitches, finish up by doing a double back to make sure the threads wont come out.

Take scissors, and (carefully) snip into the corners of each poof to make sure they separate and looks sharp and crisp.

Nearly there!!

Using your fingers, turn the wee cloud inside out, making sure you get each cloud fluff all rounded out.

Optional - you can iron the cloud again now if you would like, to make your fluffs into lovely circular poofs.

Or. You can go ahead and... stuff that cloud! Fill the cloud one poof at a time, making sure you get a good volume of fill in. You want each little cloud arm to be rounded out and full.

When you are happy with your clouds fullness (and don't skimp, no one like a skinny cloud!) you can fold in your edges of the wee hole, and hand stitch the rest of the cloud up. There are flash stitches you can use so you won't see any thread, or you can just be a casual carole like me and use blanket stitch or use.. well I dont know what its called. A stitch stitch haha.

What do you think?? Have you made something similar? How did you make yours?

I just adore how this little experiment turned out, and I think they make a lovely addition to Sophie's reading knook. Plus it really feels good to have things you made yourself, you know?

Other ways you could mix this up:
- After you cut out the cloud, and before you stitch the two layers together, you could embroider a cute face one side, or a name, or a message.
- Along the edge of one side of the fabric, you could sew loops of ribbon to make the cloud more of a taggy toy.
- You could make a smaller one with a couple of bells inside to be used as an interactive toy for a baby.
- Very small ones could be strung up as a mobile or garland for a nursery.

1 comment:

  1. You make these things look all kinds of easy. It's such a cute idea!


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