Thursday, 1 May 2014

Travel Thursday: Westminster Abbey

You know that awkward moment when you think you got tonnes of photos and then you go to edit them and you are like.. wait. where are they? I think my shots of Westminster Abbey are a classic example of that.

On second thought, perhaps I was so busy snapping Big Ben with my zoomy lens, that I got distracted. Hmmm.. Well, none the less, here are some shots from our lightning quick trip to London last year!


Its Thursday.. that means I am chatting about travel memories with my lady friend Laurie - why don't you join us. We could be like a small gang. Or not. Either way :S


  1. beautiful architecture. love! i need to travel. i get the itch every thursday.

    1. Isn't it gorgeous! Hahaha it certainly doesn't make sitting in an office on a Thursday easy :P

  2. As always gorgeous! Added to the list of things I must see some day!

    1. Yeah, I am glad we went, Rob wanted to pop into London but I didn't think we would have enough time. It was whirlwind, but good : )


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