Sunday, 20 April 2014

Week 1: 100 days of happiness

Day 1: My little nephew sending me kisses over facetime!

Day 2: Rob surprising me with my favorite berries!

Day 3: An apartment with a bath tub! The four years we were in Perth our apartment didn't have one.. now I have one nearly every night!

Day 4: My best friend is coming to visit from Australia... in 16 days!! I'm flipping out!

Day 5: Grateful to be in the state where they do Margaritas well.

Day 6: Grateful the cloudy weather cleared up for our long weekend!

Day 7: So glad we have a Texan family to spend our days with. Very blessed!


  1. This is such a great idea. All these seemingly little things that are just really freaking awesome.

    1. I am really glad I started it! It is making me be a little bit more aware of how awesome life is!


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