Saturday, 8 March 2014

My Week in Dress Form

Dress: Modcloth. It is stunning. The embroidery is off the hook. Also, Yay Mardi Gras.

Dress: Wish (Houston, Texas) - simple and quick, great for a Monday!

Dress: Retropolis (Houston, Texas) - don't you love the retro look?!

Dress: Miss Brown Vintage (Perth, Australia). I just adore these colors!

Dress: Em and Lee (Houston, Texas). Ignore the slightly frazzled hair of a crazy scientist.

And if you love my glasses, you can check them out at BonLook, they are having a sweet contest at the moment, you should join me!! Check out the details here!!



  1. I have yet to see a repeat.

    1. Haha I am trying so hard to not do one for as long as I can... I am near breaking though because some favorites are back from the drycleaners :P

  2. So envious of your wardrobe! I have featured your post over at Pea Soup - A New Zealand Blogging Community.

    Hayleigh x

  3. Makes me want to get out of my jeans & hoodies, maybe. I guess I'll always be a comfort sort of girl, except for special occasions.

    1. You know what, I was always a jeans and t shirt girl, like always. And then a couple of years ago, I just started playing, and now... Well I love dresses!


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