Friday 8 November 2013

Happy Friday!

Hey y'all, here are some things making me happy this morning!

This week I got some exciting news!

I won part of a giveaway - an awesome one too. I won a bunch of ad space on six lovely ladies pages! Since I just learned how to make buttons it is pretty good timing too! (Thanks Laurie!)

I am so excited to win something (I never win stuff!) and also, to be able to meet some new blogging ladies and hopefully learn some new bloggy stuff.

Here are the blogs - check them out, have a read, and see if you can see my new button!


And for some more excitement - one of my favorite blogging ladies EVER is gonna be posting on here next Wednesday. We have a fun blog swap organized. 

And I get a reprieve from long ass work hours this weekend with a fun pre-birthday weekend with my Texas family. Woo hoo!

Happy Friday!

Ps. If none of that is enough to justify me singing in a meeting this morning - this is. We fly to Paris next Friday!
And I am meeting the cutest nephew in all the lands in less than a month!

Here is a colander lantern to get you started.

Feeling very grateful and blessed.


  1. Awh yay for our swap! And awesome win with that giveaway! Paris.... That's enough reason to sing any day!


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