Tuesday 22 October 2013

There is something about a Monday night

I am absolutely exhausted. A long day of work plus a night time run to best buy for some photo editing software means I am done. Not to mention I had a magnificent fail at the gym today. Will have to include it in this weeks Friday fail.

My Etsy post will have to either write itself over night or I will get it together tomorrow.

For now, it's bed, a cup of chamomile tea and a magazine. I estimate I will get a third of the way through before my eyelids are drooping.

Night y'all! xx

Of course if they start to droop and I turn the lights out, they will shoot open again straight away :p 


  1. What software did you decide on? I edit mostly on my phone because I'm lazy... Or I use PicMonkey which is free. Might need to step up my game though. ;)

    1. I normally use Picmonkey and have been going back and forward about getting something else.. Best buy had the Adobe Elements 12 on sale for 99 and we got some gift vouchers.. Rob got GTA 5 and I got Photoshop lol. I will let you know how it goes.... : )


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