Thursday 17 October 2013


For the last wee while we have been planning our trip to Paris in November.. I have been collecting images on Pinterest. Oh Pinterest. You are awesome.

Today we booked a day trip to London and a day trip to Geneva. I am so excited! I can't wait to have some mementos for my European travel memory box!

I remember learning about the TGV in French in high school, now I get to actually take a ride on one.. The photos from Geneva all look so pretty, I can't wait to see the Lake.

And London was Rob's choice, he has always wanted to explore.

So we are pretty excited we poppets this evening. Hope y'all are having a nice night too!


  1. You should be excited this sounds so awesome!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!

    1. I am so bloody excited haha I went to Paris as a teenager, but have been wanting to go with Rob since we first starting dating. I can't wait to be back!

  2. wow as a teenager? you must have some amazingly wonderful parents to have been supported in an adventure like that

  3. Sounds like an amazing vacay!! I've never been to Paris, I went to London the summer after high school and had a blast. Pinterest is the best for these things :)

    1. I'm so excited haha Pinterest searching is so good - adds more fun things to the list!

  4. Exciting!! might see you over there!!! I'll be a bit outside London for 3 weeks, but want to go to Paris and Switzerland at some point, but still need to book stuff for when I'm on leave.

    1. Cool, it would be awesome to catch up over there but no pressure, December is getting close : )


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